Speaking at SB Agile

I’ll be visiting the SB Agile group in Santa Barbara on Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You can find all the details about the location, time, and other pertinent info at their Meetup group page: http://bit.ly/1zdU7ha

Topic – Continuous Discovery: The Power of Pure Agile

Brief description:

The strength of Agile lies in the simplicity and clarity of the Values and Principles as expressed in the  Agile Manifesto.  I have found that if we take this philosophy to heart it can empower people doing software development in any organization, and enable us to make rapid strides to the “land of better”.

As leaders, activators, and influencers of change in the companies we work with, we must take responsibility to understand the philosophy of Agile, and learn to invite and draw people to share that understanding.  We need change, we want change, and we know we must influence change for the better.

I’ll share my thinking about “Pure Agile”, and how I use it in my daily work to enhance Continuous Discovery, Learning, and Growth in the teams and companies I work with.  Let’s explore together and discover the path to future we want to create.

I hope to see you there!

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