Finland and Sweden Workshops and Sessions

Workshops in Finland and Sweden this Fall


Public Workshops at Mystes in Helsinki, Finland

Along with Llewellyn Falco and Vasco Duarte I’ll be participating in 4 half-day workshops on the 23rd and 24th of October.

Mob Programming: If you are interested in participating in a Mob Programming workshop, where you can experience our Teamwork attitude and many ideas related to Teaming and collaboration, please join me for a half day hands on workshop.

NoEstimates: Explore with us our current thinking and experience on NoEstimates decision-making. In this workshop we will review and analyze why we do estimates and how we can improve software and product development while reducing the time and money invested in estimating.

Hands-On introduction to ApprovalTests: ApprovalTests make it easy to create descriptive, expressive, easy to write and debug unit tests. In this workshop you’ll experience how to use ApprovalTests to accelerate test-driven development for everything from simple strings to arrays, GUIs, and complex objects. ApprovalTests is free and currently available for C#, Java, PHP, and Ruby.

Practical Refactoring:  In this workshop we are going to work on a 300 line ball of mud, and experience some new approaches and techniques that will enable you to easily and safely revitalize your legacy code into a thing of beauty little by little. After this workshop you will have a practical, hands-on understanding of how small daily improvements improve large-scale projects over a few months. You will see how much your own project at work could benefit from continuous improvement.

Helsinki, Finland – October 23rd

Mystes Presents
Woody Zuill, Vasco Duarte & Llewellyn Falco
October 23rd & 24th, 2014

Tampere Goes Agile, Tampere Finland

I am really looking forward to Tampere Goes Agile, October 25th

I’ll be presenting on Mob Programming, and likely doing a workshop on it as well.  I’ll probably be speaking about NoEstimates, and who knows what else.  As I understand it, this is a free event – which is pretty cool!

Øredev Developer Conference

Malmo, Sweden – Oredev 2014 – November 4th

I am very pleased to be returning to Malmo and the FANTASTIC Oredev conference!

Experience a full day of Mob Programming and learn the mechanics of how to work together as a “Mob”, and explore the underlying concepts that make this form of development so effective for my team.

Throughout the day we will be tackling a sample project and working on it using a full “extreme programming” approach – User stories, prioritization, test-driven development, refactoring, and retrospectives.

I will also do a session on Continuous Discovery,  The Power of Pure Agile, and I’ll share the stage with Vasco Duarte for a converstation called “#NoEstimates Unplugged – A Conversation About Agile As If You Meant It”.

And of course – I’ll be there and in Malmo for the whole week and I would love to have a chance to meet you and talk about Agile, #MobProgramming, #NoEstimates, or just about anything interesting.

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